Hieff® Fast T4 DNA Ligase (2000 U/μL)
Hieff® Fast T4 DNA Ligase是一款可用于NGS建库过程中DNA片段和接头连接的单酶产品,该产品已经过高通量测序验证,质量优异。
ATP Tris Solution GMP-grade (100 mM)
This product is a transparent colorless aqueous solution prepared from ATP tris solution
CTP Tris Solution GMP-grade (100 mM)
This product is produced in accordance with GMP process requirements and provided in liquid form.
Snailase 蜗牛酶10404ES
10×phi29 Reaction Buffer
10×phi29 Reaction Buffer可与phi29 DNA Polymerase (100 U/μL)(Cat#14409)配合使用,可发挥phi29 DNA polymerase最佳性能。
Cap1-GAG m7G(5’)ppp(5’)(2’OMeA)pG GMP-grade (100 mM)
Cap1-GAG is a cap analogue with the structure of m7G (5') ppp (5') (2'OMeA) pG, the molecular formula
N1-Me-Pseudo UTP Tris Solution GMP-grade (100 mM)
This product is produced in accordance with GMP process requirements and provided in liquid form.