DNA纯化与浓缩™-500 (DCC™-500)
规格:离心柱。 DNA 大小: 从50bp到23kb。 DNA 纯度:在水中洗脱出的高纯度DNA尤其适用于DNA 测序, DNA 连接, 内切核酸酶消化。
Plasmid Mini AX
Increased efficiency kit for low- and high-copy plasmid DNA purification. Procedure with DNA precipitation.
Nucleotide terminators removal kit after cycle sequencing reactions. Sample size: up to 20 μl.
本试剂盒适用于从新鲜或冷冻的干燥土壤、湿泥、淤泥及海河沉淀物中提取总DNA。本产品使用安全方便,单个样品操作一般可在40分钟内完成。使用本品每克土壤可获得5 μg以上的DNA,片段长度主要在20-30 kb之间。
EPPiC Fast
Kit for ultra rapid, enzymatic purification of PCR products. Sample size: 20 μl of the PCR reaction mixture.
EZ DNA Methylation-Startup™ Kit
Designed for the first time user requiring a consolidated product to perform DNA methylation analysis.
Kit for rapid, enzymatic purification of PCR products. Sample size: 20 μl of the PCR reaction mixture.